Share your story

Do you have an experience you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it! Stories are published anonymously to protect our contributors’ privacy.

We are looking for stories that highlight how you experience, have experienced, or continue to experience hardship and/or prejudice, and how you live in the world differently from those with power and/or privilege.

The types of stories we are looking for can be summed up in a couple questions:

What kind of things do you have to worry about/think about that other people wouldn’t have to?

What kind of everyday things affect you in ways that don’t affect other people?

If you are interested, please send us your story – or an idea for a story – in the box below. We answer all emails unless it’s spam. If you don’t hear back from us in a few days, it’s probably because something went wrong, so please try again.

Only the approved final product will be shown publicly. The final product and any other material we receive will be the property of Empathize This, but the author is welcome to use them freely once we have published them on our site. We will never share any materials (other than the final product) with anyone outside of Empathize This. Read more in our privacy policy.

If you are more comfortable talking about your experience, rather than writing it, we are open to Skype (or other voip) communication. We want to be as open and inclusive as we can. Just let us know!

* During the editing process, we may edit for length, clarity, spelling, and logic. We will not change the message or the facts of your submission. The final copy including all edits will be sent to you before being published so you can ensure that your story is told appropriately.

Submission FAQs

