
Empathize This is a place where you can tell your stories about how prejudice and hardship affect your life.
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Asexual. Not Broken.

I’m a gender-queer asexual. I was 16 when I finally felt comfortable comfortable being asexual. I remember writing an English essay on being different. I was pulled out of class and asked if I... Continue reading »


Bento: Feeling Ashamed of Your Food

When I was child, my mom used to make my lunches every morning. Looking back, I can’t believe how lucky I was. As a Japanese family, these lunches were called “bento” and came packed... Continue reading »


My Experience As A Foster Kid

I came from a dysfunctional home of drug addiction, which went along with emotional, physical and sexual abuse as a young child. But I didn’t finish growing up in that home. I went through... Continue reading »

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